Keep Calm & Carry On!

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Energy Clearing Exercise

(Name)______________’s energy lifts away from all of my bodies now.

 (Visualize this happening in a particular color—then check to be sure it has happened.  Cut all cords between you and this other person.)

I send __(name)_______________’s energy back to them now in a perfect healing color.

(Visualize and check again.)

My own positive energy returns to me now, to use for my highest good, ___(name)____________’s highest good, and the highest good of all beings I encounter.

(Visualize and check again.)

I am completely filled, surrounded, and protected now by Spirit’s golden-white light.

(Visualize and check again. If any energy that is not yours remains, repeat the practice.)

Grounding, Centering, and Clearing

(Do this each morning when you awake and each evening before you sleep.)

Visualize your hips and legs becoming a strong tree trunk.  Send down roots from the bottoms of your feet and from your root chakra deep into the center of the Earth.  Let those roots spread out and dig in, take hold.

Now lean back gently, just a bit, into the waterfall of beautiful golden white light that is pouring down on you from the Heavens.

Send back all the energy that is not yours—all the people you’ve talked to:  family, friends, or strangers; any upsetting energy; any worries; all the energy of this world in turmoil—send all that back to where it came from with a blessing. 

All the energy of this world in turmoil lifts away from all of my bodies now and goes back now to its source in whatever form is most healing for all concerned.

Call your own energy back to you now and see it return in a perfect healing color.  Let it fill you, as you lean back into the golden white waterfall of pure energy.  See each chakra begin to spin and glow:

Root chakra – warm red

Sexual chakra – beautiful orange

Spiritual Power chakra (under your diaphragm) – bright yellow

Heart chakra – soothing green

Throat chakra – brilliant blue

Third Eye – soft violet

Crown chakra – pure golden white (like the heavenly waterfall)

Let this soothing, restorative energy fill every cell of your body, every part of your being.  Now surround yourself with an aura of golden white light, and know that this is Creator’s protective shield that will keep you calm and safe throughout the day and all through the night.

(Remember to do this exercise, not only first thing in the morning and last thing at night, but whenever you feel stressed, tired, or upset.)

Ho’o’pono-ponoHawaiian Practice of Reconciliation and Forgiveness

Great Spirit, I wish to make a Ho’o’pono-pono now.

I wish to forgive __(name)__________________ for ___(whatever they did)_________________.

I send all of __(name’s)_________________’s energy back to him/her now in a perfect healing color.

I ask to be forgiven and to forgive myself now for any thoughts, words, or actions by which I may have hurt myself or any other self, especially __(name)___________, at any time, in any place, in any dimension.

May the energy of those thoughts, words, or actions return to me now in a perfect healing color.

May I use this energy for my own highest good and that of __(name)_____________.

I make this Ho’o’pono-pono now in Your name (God, Goddess, Spirit, Allah, etc.), in my name, in ___(name)__________________’s name, and in the names of all those involved in this matter.

And so it is.

(This version was given to me by Kahuna Murray Korngold in 1985.)