I realized this morning that I’m having a much harder time adjusting to the Spring Forward time change than ever before. And then it occurred to me that it’s not the time change… it’s EVERYTHING! People in this country today, from infants to elders, have never experienced an event so far-reaching and life-changing as what the World Health Organization now calls a “pandemic.” Regardless of what they choose to call it or how they choose to categorize it (including time-worn or currently popular conspiracy theories) it just adds fuel to the fire of worry and uncertainty burning inside us on a daily basis.

So how shall we weather this particular storm?

The same way we have weathered the past storms in our lives. We’ve survived childbirth, marriage, divorce, unruly kids, tummy flu, schoolyard bullies, single parenthood, military deployment, toxic work environments, crazy politicians, marital infidelity, old age, etc. etc. etc. If we have any experience at all, it’s experience in steering our little ships of state through choppy waters, and this is not really that different.

Here is some excellent, practical advice on how to deal with the stress created by COVID-19 in an already stressful environment.

10 practical tips to ease your fears about coronavirus

Ken Yeager, PhD, Maryanna Klatt, PhD March 05, 2020Health and Wellness,   Mental and Behavioral Health ,   Neurological Institute

And if it still feels overwhelming, remember to watch your furry family members. They know how to weather any storm!

Facing North: OHI Spring Webinar Update!



Yes, I’m the person behind Wholebeing Wellness Counseling.  I’m also the Founder and Executive Director of Orenda Healing International.

If you haven’t had a chance to see Orenda’s YouTube video recording of Facing North:  Navigating Turbulent Times, take heart!  We’ve extended the time for free viewing, and we welcome your thoughts, comments, and interest in this particular example of our work in the world.

OHI is a 50l.c.3 nonprofit, based in New Mexico since 1993.  Originally a service organization, we’ve morphed into an institute whose mission supports education and research in the many aspects of Alternative Healing.

The Facing North Webinar was created with the understanding that in chaotic times, what people need most– what is most healing– is to feel there is something they can do to improve the situation for themselves and their loved ones.  Our guest speakers– Alan Levin, Jan Edl Stein, Bahman Shirazi, and Ana Perez-Chisti– have all dealt with multiple challenges and found calm and balanced ways of working with them that have proven most helpful.  We are delighted to be able to support them in sharing this wisdom with viewers.

We’re also excited to let folks know that we’ll be publishing the Spring issue of our Four Winds Journal in May, expanding the theme of Facing North, with thoughtful articles, riveting art work and poetry, book reviews, and more.

For more information on Orenda Healing International’s programs and projects, please visit us.

Posted onApril 7, 2017